Sunday, November 23, 2008

I know I say this every few months but...


The desk is a mess of paperwork and Coke bottles (sick) and my vanity is buried underneath 6 months of small change and my daily beauty routine.

So I think thats todays goal.

Also, being the grown up adult I am, I finally have a credit card. It's hard enough for me to control my impulses, usually if I see something I really want, I buy it and don't eat for a week, but now I have CREDIT. So I have to either leave the card at home, or only use it when I know I can pay it off. The other option I have is using it for my daily spending habits (groceries, coffee, yknow) and paying it off via my online banking at the end of the day or couple days. Which is cool cause I get Airmiles on my card. Heh. But yesterday I took the card out to finish Christmas shopping, and apply for school online (way easier than filling out a paper application, as I realize after years of neglect, my handwriting is atrocious), and using the card is exhilarating! But I have to be cautious of that feeling and the instant gratification that goes along with it. I don't want to be like some people I know and live my life on credit and a whim, only to have mommy and daddy bail me out and never learn anything from it. Actually, come to think of it, that would be a pretty nice life, but then hard working people would look down on me and make fun of me behind my back. HAH. Add to this thought at the end of the entry.

Also, I am now an employee of EventAlmanac. Its a pretty exciting thing, and I urge you you check out the site and even sign up if you are an event planner, or even someone who can provide services to event planners (DJs, graphic artists, etc).

Speaking of events, I haven't gone out in probably a month, aside from the art opening and to shop. Next weekend is a three banger weened, the Birdapres ep release on Friday, as well as Dj Five, and on Saturday, Skratch Bastid is coming through.

So more on my thought about spoiled people: I have a really big issue with people who don't know how to manage their money and then whine about it later. I have REALLY bad money management skills, but I know that when I can't afford something, that I should not get it. Or that if I need to get something, that I should put money aside for it. What I should really do is put together a spending plan, but I'm still really impulsive, so it's really hard for me to follow one. So I understand the whole "not having money thing". I work a full time job and I'm still perpetually broke or living paycheck to paycheck. So my next years goal (along with a few other big ones) is to balance my living, and work out a spending plan that works for me so that I can start putting together a larger savings so I have the possibility of buying a condo or house when I get out of school. Its a lofty goal, but I think I can manage. It's that whole "wants versus needs" thing. Yeah, I want to party 3 times a week, but I need to pay my cellphone bill. I really do need to update my wardrobe, is there some things I could sell or trade and do it on the cheap? Christmas is coming, do I have enough money to buy (or make) everyone a little something, or did I spend it all on myself? I've encountered a lot of money talk this week. Doing the show made me broke for a month, but at the end of it, I rewarded myself and spent the money I made back on things I wanted and kind of needed as well (a dress winter coat, some makeup, and 2 pairs of boots among those things).

All of this comes around after having to confront someone about their own spending habits, and how they let me down. It made me reconsider my own spending habits, and my lifestyle. And it's scary, but when you consider the options (lifelong debt, bankruptcy), cutting back wasteful spending is the better thing to do.

Well, this ranty mcrant should end, it's ten a.m. and I need to try to get the boy out of bed so I can clean in here. Thanks for reading my overly preachy blog today haha.

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